
Andrea Weder

Andrea Weder

Andrea Weder (eurythmy) was born in Germany. Andrea graduated from the London School of Eurythmy after previous training and freelance work as a sculptor. 

Markus Weder

Markus Weder

Markus Weder (eurythmy) was born in Switzerland, where he studied curative education before training Eurythmy at the “Akademie für Eurythmische Kunst” in Dornach, Switzerland, and at “Eurythmy Spring Valley”, NY.  

Andrea and Markus toured together internationally as performers, directors and master teachers with Eurythmy Spring Valley (from 1991 - 1996) and the Austin Eurythmy Ensemble (1996- 2014). They taught for over ten years as Artist-In-Residence at the Austin Waldorf School. Andrea and Markus were the founders and Artistic Directors of the Austin Eurythmy Ensemble and initiated the Austin Youth Eurythmy Troupe (AWS High School Eurythmy Troupe, 1999 - 2007) and the “International Summer Eurythmy Academy” (2003 - 2007). Since 2008 they have been the Project Leaders of the new professional full-time eurythmy training “im-pulse. eurythmy, International Eurythmy Studies” for Waldorf Alumni in Austin, USA and Dornach, Switzerland. Since 2012 they were free- lancing as performing eurythmists for Project Zero Circle.  Andrea and Markus are currently the Co- Leaders of Project Zero Circle and the U- Rhythm Academy in the PZC studio in Basel, Switzerland.